VOLUME 2, ISSUE 3 Introduction Darrell’s Opening Essay Darrell Hamlin More of what such journals often do not provide Research Why We Must All Teach Social Entrepreneurship Amy Jordan Community-Engaged Impact Entrepreneurship: Organizing Reciprocal Partnerships for a more Democratic Economy Brandon Kliewer, Elizabeth Quinter, Sarah Neat The intersection of theoretical understandings and practical expressions of reciprocity Reviews Learning to Change the World: The Social Impact of One Laptop per Child Claire Wilker One of a few organizations which attempts to achieve social change through a product-driven model Tell Your Story Warm Heart (video) Michael Shafer, Ken Gilmore, Cecilia Orphan, Anne Bannister At 55, nearing the end of an academic sabbatical, Michael Shafer decided that the microenterprise work he had started in Thailand had become more like a life’s calling