Call for submissions

Theory and Practice: Service-Learning, Community Engagement, and Community-Based Research

A collage of images that represent community engagement and service.

Higher education’s calling includes developing the next generation of engaged citizens on the local, state, national, or global level. The work is accomplished in equal partnership with community organizations to enrich the community for everyone.  

Guest Editor:
Jean Mistele, Ph.D.

The eJournal of Public Affairs is announcing the first special edition arriving in January 2025. The EJOPA seeks contributors for this special edition from scholars and practitioners of civic engagement in higher education from all relevant fields and areas.

The issue theme is Theory and Practice: Service-Learning, Community Engagement, and Community-Based Research

EJOPA seeks manuscript submissions from interested individual and group authors on all of the above topics. The above list should not be treated as exhaustive. Manuscripts that connect within the larger themes of theory and practice of community engagement will also be considered.

Submission deadline: November 1, 2024

For questions specifically about the themed issue, contact Jean Mistele:

If you’re ready to submit a manuscript, follow the link below. We use a separate publications site for internal reviews and editing. You will be navigated away from this webpage and asked to create a login. 


A Pivotal Time for Democracy: Misinformation, Governmental Legitimacy, and Faith in Democracy in the 2024 Elections.

A storm gathers over the US capitol building.

The 2024 elections portend some of the most significant challenges facing democracy today. Misinformation, disinformation, civic engagement and participation, governmental legitimacy, and faith in democracy as a political process are all elements that will be tested by the outcomes of the 2024 elections. 

Guest Editor:
Chapman Rackaway, Ph.D.

The eJournal of Public Affairs is proud to announce its relaunch edition arriving in September 2024. The eJournal seeks contributors for this themed issue from scholars and practitioners of civic engagement in higher education from all relevant fields and areas.

The issue theme is A Pivotal Time for Democracy: Misinformation, Governmental Legitimacy, and Faith in Democracy in the 2024 Elections.

EJOPA seeks manuscript submissions from interested individual and group authors on any and all of the above topics. The above list should not be treated as exhaustive. Manuscripts that connect to the larger theme of the democratic issues and implications of the 2024 elections are welcome.

Submission deadline: July 1, 2024

For questions specifically about the themed issue, contact Chapman Rackaway:

If you’re ready to submit a manuscript, follow the link below. We use a separate publications site for internal reviews and editing. You will be navigated away from this webpage and asked to create a login. 


Manuscript submission process

Earlier submissions than the stated deadline are welcome and appreciated. All submissions must follow the format outlined in the information below.

The eJournal of Public Affairs is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary, open-access electronic journal published by Missouri State University in partnership with the American Democracy Project. We welcome submissions from various disciplines, points of view, and subject matter related to civic engagement.  

1. Title page

Include the title and author name(s), centered on the page. Titles should be no more than 12 words in length (not counting articles like “a,” or “the”).

2. Author note

The author note is placed at the bottom of the title page, left justified. Include official title(s), affiliation(s), and office and/or home mailing address, phone and email address for primary author.

3. Abstract

Following the title page, add the abstract to the top, left justified, 250 words max limit.

4. Main content

Content should be in a Word.doc file with 1-inch margins all around, Times New Roman, double-spaced, word count should be limited to about 5,000 words.

  • Tables and figures should be placed in content according to APA style
  • Graphics and photographs are considered figures

5. References

  • Check all citations for inclusion in the reference list.

6. Appendix

  • Table notes: Define all measurement units and abbreviations in table notes
  • Any supplemental graphics and images that do not have a specific location in the text, should be placed in Appendix

7. Author biography(s)

For each author, write max 150 words, and include a self-portrait photo – 150 (px wide) x 200 (px high).


  • Remove all identifying information from the manuscript’s metadata. In Microsoft Word: click on the Tools menu >
    Options > Security > Remove personal information from file properties on save.

  • Follow formatting guidelines of the current Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

  • There is a section for cover letters in the online submission form. If you choose to write a cover letter,
    include your name, institution and program title, mailing address, and the category (is it an article, editorial,
    review, or resource) of your submission in the email or cover letter.

1. Register or log in at the URL below:

2. Select “Submit Article” in the right sidebar

3. Review policies and disclaimers pages

4. Provide information about yourself

5. Add authors (Note: the first name will be the corresponding author)

6. Enter metadata: Includes – title, short title, keywords, disciplines, document type, abstract

7. Upload document (most likely, you will “Upload file from your computer”)

Authors receive an email verification after finishing the submission process. We will
contact you following this process about potential peer review or additional information.

Note that the publication website we build issues on is kept separate from the site we display our content for reading and viewing.

For questions: email

  • Abstract should consist of one paragraph of no more than 250 words.

  • Each author biography should consist of one paragraph of no more 150 words.

  • Prepare author(s) portrait(s) in .jpg, .gif, or .png format, 150w x 200h pixels or larger.

  • Prepare a key word list, including topic (service learning, democratic engagement), discipline (sociology, education), methodology (quantitative, close reading), and specialized words and phrases
  1. Call for Submissions: Guest editors, with assistance from EJOPA editors, will develop a Call for Submissions, which should include estimated deadlines for submissions and publication.

  2. Guest editors will work with an EJOPA managing editor: Guest editors should be prepared to recruit articles and other materials for submission. It sometimes becomes necessary for guest editors to provide reviewers due to the to the nature of their special themed topic. All steps are overseen by the managing editor.

  3. Assign reviewers: Everyone will receive notifications of submissions. Guest editors will work with the managing editor to decide if the article is acceptable for review. Guest editors will provide recommendations to assign one reviewer and the Managing editor will assign one.

  4. Editorial decision: After both reviews are received, guest editors and a managing editor, will discuss and determine how to proceed with the article. In some cases, guest editors may be asked to contact the author(s) and discuss the editors’ decisions in collaboration with the managing editor.

  5. Copy editing: EJOPA staff is responsible for all copy edits.

  6. Opening Essay: Guest editors will write an opening essay/editorial that describes the special topic. e.g. “What does the scholarship say about the special topic? “How do institutions, government or educational, respond to the issue?” A brief outline of materials included in the issue will be provided. Guest editors will work with the managing editor, which should include a draft sent at least two weeks prior to publication.

  7. EJOPA will provide DOIs.

  8. All editorial decisions, content, and layout decisions are subject to approval from the EJOPA lead editor.

  9. Estimated timeline:
    • Call for Submissions: 3-6 months prior to submission deadline
    • Submission Deadline: Determined by all parties
    • Assigning Reviewers: Editors will strive to assign reviewers within a week of receiving a submission
    • Reviewer Acceptance: Reviewers will have 1 week to accept or decline the request to review, if no response or reviewer declines, editors will assign another reviewer
    • Review Deadline: After accepting, reviewers have 2 weeks to complete review. Editors should follow-up weekly to track and insure progress, contacting reviewers, editors, and authors as needed
    • Editorial Decision: Within 1 week after receiving both reviews, editors will consult and contact author(s)
    • Author Response to Editors’ Decision: To be determined by all parties
    • Copy Editing: 3 days per article
    • Opening Essay: 2 weeks prior to publication

Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:

  1. Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work’s authorship and initial publication in this journal.

  2. Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal’s published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.

  3. Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work (See The Effect of Open Access).

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.